
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Counting the Cost

"What started out as a fuzzy notion that the greatest need for food was in a remote area of Sudan, blossomed into full blow confirmation from the Lord in less than eight weeks.  First, while a debate was going on as to whether to return to Yida Camp or not, a group of tribal elders from the Kao-Niaro came out of their remote villages and made a rare plea for aid stating that hunger and opportunistic disease was claiming the lives of many of their youngest and most senior members.  As focus shifted to their plight, a radio broadcast talking about the dire situation in Eastern South Kordofan, as well as an article, came to our attention just days ago.  Far from over or subsiding, the real effects of the war in South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions of Sudan are manifesting themselves with horrifying results.  As the international community stands by, thousands at risk of starvation are starting to succumb to conditions unimaginable to our modern senses: no food, water, shelter, or protection from daily bombing raids on civilians.  Time is running out and something has to be done soon.  Jesus promised us we would be able to do greater things than He, but He didn't promise us it would be a cake walk.  On the contrary, He told us we would suffer in fulfilling the commission.  He reminded us that as disciples we must count the cost.  "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?" Luke 14:28.  We've started something in Sudan, and must complete it.  It will take sacrifices of time, talents and yes, even money, but who among us did not count the cost before starting this journey?  May God strengthen us all like a strong tower for what lies ahead."

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