
Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome, Be Sure to Subscribe & Update Your Buttons

Hello faithful Hope4Sudan supporters! Thank you for stopping by the new blog. We are so grateful for all of your help in the first phase. So many of you Prayed, Gave, Went (thank you JJ, JP, and DH) and Told.
Now we would like to share with you the stories of what happened!

Just wanted to remind you that we are redirecting Hope4Sudan traffic to this blog from the original site. (Due to technical issues, we will be taking it down shortly, and needed a more permanent home).

We're hoping this can be a place not only for stories from the team's recent trip to Sudan, but information and resources about what is going on there as well as sharing about the next phase of the project.

If you'd like to stay up to date on our posts, be sure to hit follow on Google Friend Connect on our sidebar and they will show up in your Google Reader, or you can subscribe by email.

If you'd be so kind as to update your links & buttons (which now point people to this site) that would be great!

And lastly, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@Hope4SudanBlog) and Instagram (@Hope4Sudan) as well!

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